Deliverables are built on Work Packages documenting the scientific progress and milestones of the project. In this section, you will find all completed deliverables from the first 18 months of the project.
D1.1 Management and Quality Plan
Deliverable 1.1 provides the blueprint for the project deliverables, milestones and impacts, assures communication among partners and work packages, and serves to best assure quality, the aims and objectives of the project.
D1.2 Annual Report
Deliverable 1.2 summarizes implementations of project plans, management structures and research practices oriented towards achieving project goals. In the first year of VIRT-EU activities, we focused on mapping the empirical, theoretical and legal domains relevant to achieving our goals. The output from these research efforts is extensively detailed in Deliverable 2.2 and Deliverable 4.1.D1.3.
D1.3 Mid-term Report
Deliverable 1.3 presents VIRT-EU mid-way data that shows a European landscape of IoT development characterised by a high interest in, but little knowledge of how ethical questions can or should be addressed within the development process. Components of each of the disciplinary approaches, from design to legal review, assist us in engaging closely with practitioner interlocutors, and in our overall goal of proactively positioning ethical self-assessments in the development of IoT technologies.
D1.4 Final Report
Deliverable 1.4 summarizes the implementation of the VIRT-EU project to achieve stated project goals. Our project objective over the past three years has been to secure a place for societal concerns in the generation of new technologies. As a project with roots in responsible research and innovation (RRI), ethics and ICT practices, we want our interventions, both through design spaces and ethics impact assessment, to be empirically grounded, and widely adopted. The research we have conducted to lays the foundation for deeply researched and well-informed interventions. The present document presents findings from across the consortium, demonstrating our achievements and outputs.
D1.5 Innovation and Open Access Management Plan
Deliverable 1.5 provides precise information on (i) Terms of reference under the EC mandated DESCA group good practices for IPR (ii) Principles of open access and Creative Commons are followed wherever feasible.
D1.6 Open Research Data Management Plan
Deliverable 1.6 appoints the project’s data controller and provides precise information on (i) A framework for resolving data protection issues that fall outside of current data protection laws; (ii) Physical and other measures for securing handling of the data collected; (iii) Principles of obtaining consent from research participants where necessary and requirements or handling of consent forms; (iv) Principles of provision of appropriate protection in the event that data from vulnerable groups or minors is accidentally tracked during online data collection phases; (v) Principles of open access and Creative Commons are followed wherever feasible; (vi) Procedures for participation in the Open Research Data Pilot. This version of the document includes GDPR-compliant consent forms.
D2.1 Blogposts and Multi-media Material Summarizing Preliminary Empirical and Policy Findings
Deliverable 2.1 presents results that are used for dissemination to IoT developer communities and to the wide public via blogs and other types of social media channels, as well as first low-fidelity, paper-based prototypes to facilitate the partnership dialogue and the first co-design workshops with IoT developers (WP3).
D2.2 Summary of Findings and Further Research Activities
Deliverable 2.2 presents outcomes of the substantive research and interdisciplinary synthesis of findings produced as part of the work conducted for Work Package 2. The major goals of this work package were first, to develop methodological infrastructures and practices to support highly interdisciplinary work, and, second, to conduct an in-depth domain analysis that will lay the groundwork for in-depth field engagements, theory development and tool prototyping planned for the next two years.
D 3.1 Quantitative Technical Report
Deliverable 3.1 presents the definition of the adopted network analysis metrics, code and quantitative analysis. These tasks were the responsibility of the quantitative unit of the VirtEU project, led by Matteo Magnani at Uppsala University and by Luca Rossi at the IT University, Copenhagen, and also including Davide Vega, Roberto Interdonato and Obaida Hanteer.
D3.2 Public communication of in-depth research
Deliverable 3.2 aims to share the interim empirical findings of the VIRT-EU project with the general public through a series of blog posts and multi-media reports.
D3.3 Prototype Tool Concepts Produced from Co-creation Workshops and WP4
Deliverable 3.3 sits in the Research WP 3 “Domain Analysis” and in particular inside Task 3.4 providing a synthesis of findings from co-creation workshops.
D4.1 First Report – Limits of GDPR and Innovation Opportunities
Deliverable 4.1 summarises the main findings of Task 4.1 (M3-M12), which focuses on the approach adopted by the new General Data Protection Regulation1 and its adequacy in addressing the new challenges of big data, which represent the core of many IoT applications and related business models.
D4.2 Social Media Communication with an Overview of the Key Elements of the PESIA
Deliverable 4.2 is a blog post describing key elements of PESIA.
D4.3 Second Report: Report to the internal members of the consortium on the PESIA methodology and initial guidelines
Deliverable 4.3 provides to the members of the consortium a description of the PESIA methodology and some initial guidelines on the development of this model.
D4.4 Final Report on PESIA
Deliverable 4.4 provides to the members of the consortium with analyses and modifications of the PESIA structure to better serve the needs of IoT developers. As part of these efforts, it introduces the YouTube channel dedicated to “unboxing” IoT devices from the perspective of privacy and ethics.
D5.1 Academic Dissemination
Deliverable 5.1 provides examples of talks and presentations from a high-level conference and workshop and includes joint publications with methodological contributions of the project published in well-recognized peer-reviewed venues. The conference talks and presentations, and the joint publications are all placed within the ICT and SSH fields.
D5.2 Social Media Dissemination
Deliverable 5.2 provides an overview of our plans for the blog posts, unboxing videos and other multi-media projects.
D5.3 Prototypes
Deliverable 5.3 describes CIID’s design of ethical impact self-assessment tools for developer communities and other tools and materials to support developers in negotiating, articulating, and acting on shared ethical values. It documents their prototyping process, three versions of tools, and the second version of PESIA. Confidential, work-in-progress.
D5.4 Stakeholder Workshops
D5.2 Stakeholders Workshop collects documentation and feedback from different stakeholder workshops. Confidential, work-in-progress.
D6.1 PESIA Scenarios
Deliverable 6.1 focuses on the use and contextualization of CIID’s tools and PESIA questions. In addition, it documents research carried out from August 2018 until August 2019 describing communities and contexts reached by CIID and the whole partnership where tools, flows and ethical frameworks were used and presented to diverse audiences. Confidential, work-in-progress.
D6.2 Scripts and material for workshops
Deliverable 6.2 presents the workshop scripts and materials that we have developed in order for others to use to convene conversations about ethics and connected technologies with different kinds of stakeholders.
D 6. 3 Service Package
Deliverable 6.3 presents VIRT-EU’s service package with an overview of its visual language and content.
D6.4 Prototype for ethical data research practices
Deliverable 6.4 presents an extension of a Twitter data collection tool to support participant notification and other compliance measures.
D7.1 Dissemination Strategy
Deliverable 7.1 aims to successfully communicate the ongoing proceedings, objectives and scientific output made by VIRT-EU’s consortium.
D7.2 VIRT-EU Gateway
Deliverable 7.2 describes the VIRT-EU gateway.
D7.3 VIRT-EU Local Briefing Sessions
Deliverable 7.3 describes eight local briefing sessions and seven notable speaker engagements over the course of 2017, 2018 and 2019.
D7.4 Curriculum Development
Deliverable 7.4 provides examples of multi-disciplinary syllabi and educational activities applied in the classroom to help advance the study and teaching in support of ethics in design, collective data protection, privacy by design and innovation. It contains examples of teaching best practices in SSH-ICT collaboration and best practices in RRI at different levels of education – from bachelor to PhD – developed by VIRT-EU researchers.
D7.5 Initial Publications in Peer-reviewed Journals and Conference Proceedings
Deliverable 7.5 presents a significant amount of research and results produced by VIRT-EU partners. The work listed in this document has already been published in a range of scientific journals and conference proceedings.
D7.6 Open-Access Data Repository
Deliverable 7.6 presents VIRT-EU’s data repositories on different online platforms including VIRT-EU’s Github.