Bibliography formatted in APA citation style
Berner, A., Seyfried, M., Nordenskjöld, C., Kuhberg, P., & Shklovski, I. (2019). Bear & Co: Simulating Value Conflicts in IoT Development. Extended Abstracts of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, INT025:1–INT025:4.
Bródka, P., Chmiel, A., Magnani, M., & Ragozini, G. (n.d.). Quantifying layer similarity in multiplex networks: A systematic study. Royal Society Open Science, 5(8), 171747.
Demetzou, K., Böck, L., & Hanteer, O. (2018). Smart Bears don’t talk to strangers: Analysing privacy concerns and technical solutions in smart toys for children. 5 (7 pp.)-5 (7 pp.).
DeVito, M. A., Hancock, J. T., French, M., Birnholtz, J., Antin, J., Karahalios, K., Tong, S., & Shklovski, I. (2018). The Algorithm and the User: How Can HCI Use Lay Understandings of Algorithmic Systems? Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, panel04:1–panel04:6.
Esposito, M. S. (2018). L’impatto del trattamento sui diritti e le libertà delle persone fisiche: Una valutazione alla luce della giurisprudenza delle autorità garanti italiana e spagnola. In A. Mantelero & D. Poletti (Eds.), Regolare la tecnologia: Il Reg. UE 2016/679 e la protezione dei dati personali. Un dialogo fra Italia e Spagna.
Fatemi, Z., Salehi, M., & Magnani, M. (2018). A Generalized Force-Directed Layout for Multiplex Sociograms. In S. Staab, O. Koltsova, & D. I. Ignatov (Eds.), Social Informatics (pp. 212–227). Springer International Publishing.
Fritsch, E., Shklovski, I., & Douglas-Jones, R. (2018). Calling for a Revolution: An Analysis of IoT Manifestos. Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 302:1–302:13.
Hanteer, O., Rossi, L., D’Aurelio, D. V., & Magnani, M. (2018). From Interaction to Participation: The Role of the Imagined Audience in Social Media Community Detection and an Application to Political Communication on Twitter. ASONAM, 531–534.
Hargitai, V., Shklovski, I., & Wasowski, A. (2018). Going Beyond Obscurity: Organizational Approaches to Data Anonymization. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact., 2(CSCW), 66:1–66:22.
Jr, O. H. G., & Nemorin, S. (2019). Toward a political economy of nudge: Smart city variations. Information, Communication & Society, 22(14), 2112–2126.
Kotsios, A., Magnani, M., Rossi, L., Shklovski, I., & Vega, D. (2019). An Analysis of the Consequences of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on Social Network Research. ArXiv:1903.03196 [Cs].
Light, A., Powell, A., & Shklovski, I. (2017). Design for Existential Crisis in the Anthropocene Age. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 270–279.
Light, A., Shklovski, I., & Powell, A. (2017). Design for Existential Crisis. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 722–734.
Mantelero, A. (2017). Towards a big data regulation based on social and ethical values. Revista de Bioética y Derecho, The guidelines of the Council of Europe(41), 67–84.
Mantelero, A. (2018). AI and Big Data: A blueprint for a human rights, social and ethical impact assessment. Computer Law & Security Review, 34(4), 754–772.
Powell, A. (2018). Moral Orders in Contribution Cultures. Communication, Culture and Critique, 11(4), 513–529.
Powell, A., Ustek-Spilda, F., & Shklovski, I. (2019). Virtue, Capability and Care: Beyond the consequentialist imaginary. Ethicomp 2020 – Paradigm Shifts in ICT Ethics: Societal Challenges in the Smart Society.
Tehrani, N. A., & Magnani, M. (2018). Partial and Overlapping Community Detection in Multiplex Social Networks. 11186, 15–28.
Ustek Spilda, F., Powell, A., Shklovski, I., & Lehuede Bravo, S. A. (2019). Peril v. promise: IoT and the ethical imaginaries. In CHI’19 Extended Abstracts. ACM Press.
Ustek-Spilda, F., Powell, A., & Nemorin, S. (2019). Engaging with ethics in Internet of Things: Imaginaries in the social milieu of technology developers. Big Data & Society, 6(2), 2053951719879468.
Vega, D., & Magnani, M. (2018). Foundations of Temporal Text Networks. Applied Network Science, 3(1), 25.