Research Project: Social isolation blandt aleneboende ældre under Covid-19

Covid-19 and the lock down of the Danish society led to many people keeping physical distance. Especially, a lot of older people have been forced into social isolation, where contact with important social relations has become very limited. For a large part of the population, this has meant a greater use of digital technologies that can create a togetherness and closeness despite physical distance. But what do this mean for older people, where digital technologies for many are not a central part of social life and socializing with others?

The project "Social isolation among older people living alone under Covid-19 - how do the older handle everyday life, and what role do digital technologies play?" will conduct an ethnographic study of older people's experience of the Covid-19 lock down, focusing on how they organize their everyday lives in relation to the new situation, how they experience isolation and including the issue of loneliness - and what role do digital technologies play in this context?

The project is carried out by researchers Signe Louise Yndigegn and Morten Hjelholt from IT University in Copenhagen. The  project is funded by EGV Foundation (Social Inclusion of older adults) and is expected to be completed in the beginning of 2021.