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Reading group, February 27th, 2019

27/02/2019 @ 15:00 - 17:00 UTC+1

This is a session hosted together with our colleagues from Malmö University’s Department of Urban Studies. We have invited Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral research fellow, Mara Ferreri, to present and lead the discussion on her work on the commons and commoning:

We will conduct the session as a remote meeting via Zoom. Here, the link for connecting https://deic.zoom.us/j/796374741

Ferreri, M. 2017. Els comuns com un verb, Nous Horitzons, 215, pp. 40 – 46. (Commons as a verb – English translation from Catalan) (available here)
Ferreri, M. 2016. ‘Where’s the trick?’: Practices of commoning across a reclaimed shop front. In: Kirwan, S., Dawney, L. & Brigstocke, J. Space, Power and the Commons. The struggle for alternative futures. Routledge. (available here)


Mara will start by introducing her research and framing the two papers. Afterwards, she will bring out some main discussion points as bases to start the conversation with the other participants so that everyone will have the change to ask questions or comment, but also to introduce his/her own research interests.

About Mara Ferreri:
I am a postdoctoral research fellow (H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme) at the Institute of Government and Public Policy (IGOP), Autonomous University of Barcelona. I obtained my PhD degree in Geography at Queen Mary University of London, with the thesis Occupying Vacant Spaces: precarious politics of temporary urban re-use  (2013). I have worked for many years on questions of urban precarity, gentrification and temporary uses of vacant spaces. Before joining the IGOP I taught and held research positions at Queen Mary University of London, the London School of Economics and Durham University. My current research project Commoning Housing (2016-19) investigates housing as a commons and commoning practices in Barcelona and London.
The website of my current project (English and Catalan) is : http://commoninghousing.net/



15:00 - 17:00 UTC+1


Room 4 A 09, IT University of Copenhagen
Denmark + Google Map