In September 2022, Hailing Zhou and Rachel Douglas-Jones will participate in a workshop on Quantified Futures, held in Brussells. Hailing, who is conducting fieldwork in southern China, will join the group via Teams for the joint presentation.
Hosted by Moisés Kopper, a social anthropologist and a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Researcher at the Université libre de Bruxelles. Their work focuses on new forms of political and economic subjectivity, technopolitical expertise, and infrastructural hope in Brazil. Their current project explores how infrastructures of quantification have come to shape technopolitical debates about inequality and national futurity in Brazil.

This workshop constitutes a symposium on the transversal themes of Moisés research project, namely informational governance, data activisms, and political-economic infrastructure. Rachel and Hailing will present a forthcoming paper in EASTS on “Data Workers” in Shenzhen.