Over the past few years, the Anthropology of Technology network has convened at a series of events around Denmark. November 2021 marked its closing conference, and the launch of the Handbook of the Anthropology of Technology, forthcoming in 2022 from Palgrave. On the left, a photo of Aarhus University’s huge Aula auditorium, where keynotes Daniel Miller, Mike Fisch and Lucy Suchman spoke (in person and via Zoom!) to conference attendees. On the right, the cover of the forthcoming handbook, which is 39 chapters (!) each of which both reviews literature in the field and presents an ethnographic account.

Moving Data Moving People PI Rachel Douglas-Jones is part of the network’s steering committee, through which the project is linked to a large number of Danish and international anthropologists who are also interested in technology. For more on the future activities of the network, see the AnTech homepage here, or its Twitter account @AnTechNetwork here.