
Vasiliki Tsaknaki is an Assistant Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen,
in the Digital Design department. Her research combines
materials experiences, computational crafts and somatic design methods.
Through practice-based studies she investigates intersections of
these areas.

Lara Reime is a PhD Fellow in the Business IT Department at the IT
University of Copenhagen. Her interdisciplinary research project combines
design and ethnographic methods to explore bodily as well as
embodied practices of biodata tracking.

Marisa Cohn is an Associate Professor and co-director of ETHOS Lab, a
feminist methods lab in the Business IT Department at the IT University
of Copenhagen. She conducts ethnographic research into feminized
forms of engineering labor and temporalities of technological

Tania Pérez-Bustos is an Associate Professor at the School of Gender
Studies at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. As a feminist scholar she
works on technologies and knowledge dialogues, currently focusing
her research interests on handmade textiles as technologies of
knowledge and care.

Vasiliki, Marisa and Tania have all lots of experience in organizing and
running workshops, both in conference and other settings. For example:
Vasiliki has organized conferences in TEI’14, NordiCHI’16, TEI’18,
NordiCHI’20 conferences. Marisa has designed and facilitated workshops
including NordiCHI’16, Aarhus Series on Human Centered Computing‘
15, DIS‘10 and a NOS-HS granted workshop series on Nordic Approaches
to Algorithmic Systems (2019). Tania has organized conferences
and workshops in Colombia such as Costuras Digitales (2016), Relatos,
Piezas textiles hechas a mano (2018), Encuentros con Donna Haraway
(2019), Minga Digital (2019), Remendar lo nuevo. Compartiendo
aprendizajes (2020), Bordando cuerpos que escuchan (2021).